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April 24 2020

Why is Sunscreen Important for Your Skin?

Sunscreen is one of the most effective defenses against the harsh rays of Florida's sun. Florida has stronger UV rays as well as it is much closer to the equator than other states. Sunscreen can protect you from both UVA and UVB. UVA causes aging-related problems such as wrinkles and age spots. UVB rays have the ability to cause skin cancer. Sunscreen can protect against any effects...

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April 17 2020

Microneedling 101

The condition of a person's skin can have a significant impact on their appearance. Things like aging, genetics, sun damage, and lifestyle factors can affect our skin. One method to improve the condition of the skin is microneedling.What Is Microneedling?Microneedling involves the use of rollers, stamps, or pens that are covered with numerous fine needles being applied to the skin. The needles...

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April 10 2020

How to Get a Sharper Jawline in Four To Six Weeks With Sculptra®?

The Treatment and How It WorksSculptra is a treatment, which replaces collagen in the face through an injectable liquid, adding natural volume to specified areas of the face. Sculptra supports anti-aging efforts, bringing about a natural, youthful appearance through a structured, progressive process. A treatment plan will be developed to determine the recommended number of sessions and the...

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April 03 2020

What is Photofacial and What Does it Treat?

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy is a popular laser treatment- also known as a photofacial. IPL is typically for individuals with a very fair complexion, seeking to remove brown or red discoloration issues. As we age, skin can become dull and lifeless. The youthful glow and dewy texture that we had once taken for granted may begin to diminish.The treatment is also ideal for patients who relied...

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