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Cellulite Reduction services in Miami, Florida

Cellulite Reduction Overview

Cellulite is characterized by its dimpled skin surface, mattress-like appearance.

The appearance of fat cells becomes much more visible on the surface of the skin when the chambers they are situated in become separated by vertical and horizontal fibers known as Connective Tissue Septa. The Septa are anchored rigid fibers that do not stretch with skin. When the fat chamber expands because of enlarged fat cells and retained intercellular fluid, it protrudes beyond the length and width of the vertical & horizontal septa, pushing up towards the surface of the skin, resulting in a dimpled appearance.

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Cellulite is found most commonly on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs. It is more common for women to have cellulite rather than men because of the differences in the way they develop and store muscle, fat, and connective tissue. A patient's lifestyle and hormones may also play a role in how their skin changes and appears over time.

Cellulite reduction treatments

Do you want to reduce cellulite? If you answered yes, then let the non-surgical body contouring specialists at Miami Beauty Clinic (MBC) introduce you to one of the most advanced and effective cellulite reduction treatments available, VelaShape.

MBC is a one of a kind medical spa facility that combines the very best high tech medical therapies with luxury brand service, commitment and attention to detail. MBC will help you achieve the most attractive body contour possible with the most significant cellulite reduction.

What are MBC's cellulite reduction treatments?

MBC's cellulite reduction program is a combination of therapies performed over the course of eight visits. The VelaShape™ Radio Frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) devices deliver fast, effective results without the need for surgery.

The VelaShape™ device is the first FDA approved non invasive device designed for the reduction of cellulite. The VelaShape™, head is passed over the targeted area a number of times, heating the area and disrupting the connective tissue of the cellulitic area. Each treatment takes only 30 minutes from start to finish.

Next, MBC's body contour specialists incorporate:
1) Ballancer – invigorating compression therapy for lymphatic drainage.
2) Transdermal Ionto System, the only FDA approved needle-less mesotherapy device for rejuvenating, firming skin, cellulite reducing and achieving a slimming effect on various parts of the body.

Combinations of the treatments listed above are carefully designed for each particular condition by MBC experts. The results are a minimization of millions of fat cells (think of the process of grapes becoming raisins), tightening, smoothing of the skin, and slimming of the body; ultimately, inches are shaved off the waist, hips and thighs.

The process is great because it is non-surgical, painless and only takes 40 minutes to complete!

We suggest all in office treatments be accompanied by a homecare treatment.


Who is the right candidate for cellulite reduction?

There are very few patients with cellulite who cannot potentially benefit from these cellulite reduction treatments because no surgery is required. Ideal candidates can be people with cellulite who do not want to suffer the pain or go through risk and recovery of liposuction or SmartLipo procedures. Additionally, post-liposuction patients who wish to enhance or help catalyze the emergence of their new shape would gain added benefits from the aforementioned procedures.

With this specific cellulite reduction treatments are there down times associated?

After your treatments you can immediately resume your normal activities. The cellulite reduction treatment has very few risks (such as a slight change of minor bruising), complications or downtime. Leading up to the treatment it is advised to avoid Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. Your MBC cellulite treatment provider will explain risks and complications with a treatment consent form and consultation before all treatments.

Did You Know... Cellulite Reduction Treatment Facts?

The cellulite reduction program does not only minimize the appearance of your cellulite but it can also enhance the effects of liposuction, maximizing the outcome and end results.

MBC offers combined technologies to target areas of unwanted fat and cellulite:

  • VelaShape is the best option for contouring and can be combined with other procedures for localized areas of fat, cellulite reductions and maintenance.

The best thing about these procedures is none of them require surgery.

The MBC treatment team is dedicated to providing our patients with advanced and effective body sculpting and cellulite reduction technologies that are always up to date, and always ensure the highest level of care. Their cellulite reduction treatment team will discuss treatment options with you, expertly curating the best possible cellulite reduction treatment program and home care plan for you.

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