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VelaShape - Cellulite Reduction services in Miami, Florida

VelaShape - Cellulite Reduction

Everybody is talking about VelaShape now. VelaShape is the revolutionary technology from Syneron that we are using at our beauty clinic. It is a great non-invasive treatment for fat and cellulite reduction and body contouring. If you go through with just a few procedures and try our Miami Velashape, you may see dramatic positive improvements of your body.

Cellulite build up is not happening only to women of certain age. Even young and thin women often have it around the thighs, tummy, hips, arms and buttocks.By applying, VelaShape's Bi-Polar Radio Frequency and Infrared Light - plus tissue mobilization combined with suction, the appearance of cellulite is reduced and problem areas are re-contoured.

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