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5 easy ways to avoid bruising after Botox or Dermal Fillers

February 28 2020

5 easy ways to avoid bruising after Botox or Dermal Fillers

Botox and dermal fillers have become the number one cosmetic options for adult women and men who want to maintain a natural-looking youthfulness and refreshed appearance. These aesthetic injectables do not require surgery or downtime and offer long-lasting results.

The only side effects you may experience are minor redness, swelling or bruising after the injections, but you can avoid or minimize these with the following recommendations from our aesthetic experts here at Miami Beauty Clinic:

1. Before the treatment, we suggest that you avoid certain medications and supplements. For example, your body needs to be able to sufficiently form clots, and aspirin, Advil and Motrin halt your platelets from functioning in that regard.

The same is true of alcohol. Avoid indulging the night before and the night you have your injectable treatment.

Also, supplements like vitamin E and garlic capsules can encourage bleeding. You should refrain from taking them one week before your treatment session.

Vitamin C supplements, on the other hand, are excellent for skin-healing and can be taken a few days before and right after your injections. The same applies to supplements like arnica or bromelain (pineapple enzyme) for reducing bruising and healing your skin a lot faster.

2. Ask for a numbing cream when you come in for your appointment. It's applied about 20 minutes before the session and helps to relax you.

3. Ice is your new BFF when you get home post-treatment. Our Miami Beauty Clinic professionals advise icing at the treatment sites 20 minutes every hour following your procedure.

4. A moisturizing serum or cream helps to soothe your skin following a Botox or dermal filler session. Our complexions can often feel dry after these injections, but if you choose a product that contains hyaluronic acid (HA), your face will feel soft, hydrated and supple.

5. Enjoy a little relaxation and chill out. Don't perform any exercise 24-48 hours after your treatment.

Botox and dermal fillers are safe, fast and amazing cosmetic treatments. Contact our Miami Beauty Clinic to book an appointment now, and let us take your skin to the ultimate level.

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